Precise Architecture Drawings

We transform existing buildings into meticulously accurate architecture drawings, capturing every detail and nuance with unparalleled precision.
Precisely delivered on
Promised Deadline
Your choice of detail level
Precisely crafted
AutoCAD Standards

Works perfectly with your
CAD standards.

We offer a variety of options to tailor the Architecture drawings for your building assets as per your project requirements. You can choose from existing Level of Detail and CAD-Standards, or have us create your plan sets as per your own CAD-Standards and details required for your specific project use-case.

Architecture Drawing Set

Get your building assets accurately documented as a complete set of architecture drawings which can be directly utilized for your project requirements such as re-planning, renovation planning, building documentation, etc. You can choose to tailor your architecture drawing set as per your project requirements.
  • Floor Plans & Reflected Ceiling Plans
  • Horizontal & Vertical Sections
  • Facade Elevations
  • Interior Elevations
  • Site Plan with Topography
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Detailed Working Drawings

Need specific areas or elements of the building in higher detail for your project? Simply mark the areas where detailed working drawings are required from your plan set, and we deliver highly detailed architecture drawings at any stage of your building projects.
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Level of Detail

Level of Detail that you require

You can conveniently choose from our standard level of detail for your CAD-Drawing requirements, or customize the level of detail as per your specific project requirements. We gladly stay at your disposal to support you with your decisions and offer the best possible solutions for your project.

Level of Detail High

Floor Plans/Sections/Elevations
  • Scale: 
    M 1:50, M 1:100 or as per Requirement
  • Accuracy Tolerance: 
    1-3 cm
  • Area Calculation: 
    as per DIN277. WoFlV or gif e.V.
  • Walls: 
    Walls, Wall Cladding, Niches, Shafts (with material)
  • Floor Slabs: 
    Ceiling projections with floor material labelled and level markers + Representation of arched and vaulted ceilings
  • Doors: 
    Door frame with quarter circle opening direction + Door annotation with dimension
  • Windows:
    Window frame with opening type symbol + Window annotation with dimensions
  • Facade:
    Facade division with mullion profile and symbolic representation of fixed glazing, doors and window elements
  • Columns:
    Differentiated from walls with annotation (If recognisable in survey)
  • Beams:
    Beams Profile labelled with annotation and clearance height
  • Staircases:
    Stairs with indication of number of steps, rise height and tread width
  • Ramps:
    Ramps with % indication of the slope
  • Lifts/Elevators:
    Lift shaft with lift symbol
  • Built-in Furniture:
    Detailed illustration of built-in furniture
  • Roofing:
    Slope roofing as top view in the plans below with marking of the 1m and 2m height clearance lines
  • Room Tags:
    Room name with room number + areas according to DIN277/WoFlV + circumference + room clearance heights
  • Dimensioning:
    4 dimension lines (total, interior, exterior, openings) + Level markers
  • Electrical System:
    Fuse box, DSL/telephone, power sockets, switches
    (additional elements as per project requirements)
  • Heating System:
    Boiler + Room radiator + heating pipes (symbolic)
    (additional elements as per project requirements)
  • Sanitation System:
    Sanitary objects with symbols of connections + water pipes (symbolic)
    (additional elements as per project requirements)
  • Fire Safety System:
    Smoke detectors, fire extinguishers, fire alarms, alarm system (symbolic)
    (additional elements as per project requirements)

Level of Detail Medium

Floor Plans/Sections/Elevations
  • Scale: 
    M 1:100, M 1:200 or as per Requirement
  • Accuracy Tolerance: 
    upto 5 cm
  • Area Calculation: 
    as per DIN277 or WoFlV or gif e.V.
  • Walls: 
    Walls, Niches, Shafts
  • Floor Slabs: 
    Ceiling projections with floor material labelled and level markers
  • Doors: 
    Simple representation with clearance width and height
  • Windows:
    Simple representation with clearance width and height
  • Facade:
    Facade division with mullion profile
  • Columns:
    Not differentiated from walls
  • Beams:
    Outer dimension with annotation
  • Staircases:
    Simplified representation with symbols
  • Ramps:
    Simplified representation with slope %
  • Lifts/Elevators:
    Outer and inner dimensions of the lift shaft
  • Built-in Furniture:
    Simplified illustration of built-in furniture (outer dimensions)
  • Roofing:
    Slope roofing as top view in the plans
  • Room Tags:
    Room name with room number + areas according to DIN277/WoFlV
  • Dimensioning:
    3 dimension lines (total, interior, exterior) + Level markers
  • Electrical System:
    Fuse box, DSL/telephone symbols
    (additional elements as per project requirements)
  • Heating System:
    Boiler + Room radiator (symbolic)
    (additional elements as per project requirements)
  • Sanitation System:
    Sanitary objects (symbolic)
    (additional elements as per project requirements)
  • Fire Safety System:
    Smoke detectors (symbolic)
    (additional elements as per project requirements)

Level of Detail Low

Floor Plans/Sections/Elevations
  • Scale: 
    M 1:100 or M 1:200
  • Accuracy Tolerance: 
    upto 10 cm
  • Area Calculation: 
    as per DIN277 or WoFlV or gif e.V.
  • Walls: 
    Total thickness of interior and exterior walls
  • Floor Slabs: 
    Total thickness of floor slabs
  • Doors: 
    Clear width/height without symbols
  • Windows:
    Clear width/height without symbols
  • Facade:
    Facades as wall opening with 1-line facade symbol
  • Columns:
    No illustration
  • Beams:
    No illustration
  • Staircases:
    Stair tread symbol without single stair treads
  • Ramps:
    No illustration
  • Lifts/Elevators:
    No illustration
  • Built-in Furniture:
    No illustration
  • Roofing:
    Single line representation with hatch
  • Room Tags:
    Room name with areas according to DIN277/WoFlV/gif
  • Dimensioning:
    2 dimension lines (total, interior/exterior)
  • Electrical System:
    No illustration
  • Heating System:
    No illustration
  • Sanitation System:
    No illustration
  • Fire Safety System:
    No illustration

Explore our CAD-Workflows.

Precise CAD-Drawings are still a vital part of the AEC Industry. The digital revolution is spectacular, but the importance of well-drafted architecture drawings is still undisputed.

Your architecture drawings are natively drawn in

Autodesk AutoCAD

Delivered as .DWG and .PDF Plots
Detailed and Annotated as per your project requirements

Graphisoft ArchiCAD

Delivered as .PLN and .PLA Files
Detailed and Annotated as per your project requirements in ArchiCAD
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